Dublin, Ireland – Bray based O.C.E. Technology have been awarded a contract to further develop their debug monitor tool DMON for space applications and beyond. The contract is initially worth €300K and will see the company that only started in 2013 expand its workforce with the recruitment of 4 new software development positions.

O.C.E. Technology develops software for technical applications and supplies chip-level components targeted primarily at the aerospace and high-reliability sectors. The initial software tool was targeted for use with SPARC processors. These processors are used primarily in aerospace and high-reliability applications. The product, DMON, has recently been released in the Chinese aerospace market with a lot of interest.

DMON2 Debug Tool

DMON2 is a software tool used by embedded system developers to improve their productivity. It enables them to debug applications in a faster and more efficient manner. Test & Debug account for 25% of developers’ time and developers consider debug tools to be their most important tools.

DMON2 will provide unique supports for efficient development and debugging of system-on-chip solutions where a single chip contains multiple blocks each performing a different function. With upwards of 55% of embedded projects running late the demand for DMON2 is obvious.

The new DMON2 tool is targeted to work with an array of differing processors including SPARC and ARM processors, the tool has an advanced and easy to use graphical interface and will facilitate rapid debug of embedded system applications.

System-on-Chip, System-in-Package, Memory devices……

In addition to the Software tools developed by O.C.E. Technology, the company can supply a range of advanced systems-on-chip (SOC), systems-in-package (SIP) devices, commercial off the shelf (COTS) parts, and customised high-reliability components. These parts are tested and screened for differing environments including flight space-qualified.


David Gibbons, Commercial Director

O.C.E. Technology Limited, Bray Business Park, Southern Cross Route, Bray, Co Wicklow, Ireland.

Phone +353 1 554 6555

Email info@ocetechnology.com