Debug software for SPARC embedded developers


DMON2 is a software tool which improves developer productivity. It speeds up the debug of embedded software applications on system-on-chips (SOCs) with one or more SPARC V8 LEON or ARM processor cores. It provides the following facilities:

  • GUI with unique visualisation of SOC activity
  • Drill-down for each IP core detected to register and bit level
  • Eclipse TCF multicore source level debugging (also GDB)
  • Supports SPARC V8 LEON2/3/4 and ARM targets
  • Supports UART, Ethernet, JTAG & Spacewire debug links
  • Breakpoint, watchpoint and disassembly support
  • Support for user-defined IP and commands
  • Tested with development kits from many vendors
  • Runs on Windows, Linux, & Cygwin
  • Remote access client/server support
  • Support for TCL & Python scripting
  • Statistics module with graph/store options for target data

Developed in cooperation with European Space Agency (ESA)

DMON Screenshot




DMON2 is a software tool for embedded system developers to improve their productivity. It enables them to debug applications in a faster and more efficient manner. Test & Debug operations account for 25% of developers’ time and developers consider debug tools to be their most important tools (UBM). DMON2 provides unique supports for efficient development and debugging of system-on-chip solutions where a single chip contains multiple blocks each performing a different function. With upwards of 55% of embedded projects running late (UBM) the demand by management for DMON2 is obvious.

DMON2 is targeted at debug of embedded applications on system-on-chip (SOC) devices. On-chip processor architectures currently supported include SPARC LEON and ARM. DMON2 communicates with the target SOC over a dedicated communications link allowing debug without modification of target code or special debug libraries. As DMON2 is a Java program it runs on multiple platforms including Windows, Linux (X86 and ARM) and Cygwin.

DMON2 can be used as a standalone debug tool or integrated with the IDE as a GDB or TCF remote target.

DMON2 provides a unique GUI interface making it easy for developers to track activity in a multi-processor environment. By clicking on-screen IP blocks the developer can quickly drill down to examine registers and trace data with extensive help on bit definitions and functions for each register. Support for Eclipse Target Communications Framework (TCF) provides the best environment for multicore source level debug.

The primary function of a debug monitor is testing of application code and DMON2 provides a test framework to allow the automation and scheduling of complex test scenarios. Its support for TCL and Python facilitate this process and allow users to build on legacy scripts used by in-house test processes.

It provides offline storage of trace information for later analysis. DMON2 includes a framework to enable developers support proprietary hardware IP and to add commands to manipulate this IP.
Where expensive target hardware is in short-supply or where remote teams are developing without on-site hardware DMON2 allows remote debugging to be carried out on centrally-controlled hardware resources.

DMON2 has been developed in close cooperation with the European Space Agency.

Click here for detailed technical information from the OCE wiki

Click Here for a DMON2 Evaluation Request